Friday, August 2, 2019




"BLUE" JIMMY:  The subject of sexually abusive Catholic priests has reared its ugly head again, most recently last year in the State of Pennsylvania where a Grand Jury report showed that roughly 300 priests abused roughly 1000 victims over a period of decades in which a Catholic Church hierarchy covered up the abuse and reassigned abusive priests to different parishes and allowed them to continue their vile activities anew.  This was the largest investigation of Catholic Church sexual abuse by a government agency in American history.  For those who follow stories of this nature, this is basically a rerun of the Boston Archdiocese sex abuse scandal which occurred in the early 2000's.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Same s**t, different city!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The Boston case differed significantly in the sense that it was investigated not by a Grand Jury but by the Boston Globe's Spotlight  investigative reporting team which is the longest running investigating team of its kind in the United States.  They put it all on the line and for their risk, they blew open a case which nearsighted journalists, lawyers, judges, PR people and Catholic apologists told them couldn't possibly be true.  Not only was the case true but true on a scale which no one had imagined, involving scores of priests and countless victims who came forward on a hotline at the Boston Globe newspaper.  The entire episode was dramatized in the film, "Spotlight" (2015) which won, among other accolades, an Academy Award for Best Picture.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  And the award winners taunted The Vatican from the stage ... balls!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The Boston Archdiocese incidents were also dramatized in an earlier, made-for-TV film entitled, "Our Fathers" (2005) which featured an all-star cast and went deeper into the drama of the Catholic Church coverup of abusive priests. 
This film was based on the book,  "Our Fathers:  The Secret Life Of The Catholic Church In The Age Of Scandal" by David France.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  The Devil is in the details!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  But investigation into sexual abuse within The Church has deeper roots in The United States.  Most significant is the Gilbert Gauthe case which occurred in the Roman Catholic Church Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana.  The story is basically the same as most in this regard. The notorious Father Gauthe started sexually assaulting young boys in his parish starting in the early 1970's.  Reports of his activities were reported to his superior (Bishop Gerald Frey) but instead of being disciplined or removed from the priesthood he was transferred from city to city and even made chaplain of the local Boy Scouts.  When more reports of abuse came from parents of young boys, Bishop Frey recommended that the boys go to confession and repent for the sins they had committed with Father Gauthe.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Priests sometimes tell victims that they made (the priest) sin and that they should confess to God!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Many cases were settled out of court but a local attorney, J. Minos Simon, refused to take a settlement and pressed on with his client's lawsuits.  The publicity forced the Lafayette district attorney to file a criminal case and Gauthe became the first Catholic priest in U.S. history to be indicted on multiple charges of child molestation.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Karma is a bitch!!!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The Catholic Church was on the ropes and needed a crackerjack lawyer to make this situation go away.  In steps Ray Mouton, a successful, young, Lafayette attorney who didn't mind the spotlight and wasn't afraid to go to court in high-profile cases.  In his own words, he says he took the case out of "vanity and greed."  (source:  USA TODAY Oct. 15, 2013 "Church Abuse Case Haunts Lawyer Who Defended Priest.")  Mouton says he knew The Catholic Church had unlimited funds to defend this case.  Mouton was also a devout Catholic.  He says that when he interviewed Gauthe, it was the creepiest experience of his life.  He quickly decided that Gauthe was a genuine sex offender who needed to plead insanity so that victims would not have to testify in court.  But The Church insisted he work out some kind of plea deal.  Then he noticed that Gauthe seemed to become increasingly disinterested in his own case.  

BLIND DOG OZZY:  The plot thickens!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  In a suspicious turn of events, Mouton found that Gauthe had the assistance and protection of Judge Henry Politz, who was a close family friend and chief justice of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals in New Orleans although not legally involved with the case. Gauthe in 1986, pleaded guilty to 11 counts of child molestation and was sentenced to 20 years in "prison."  But his incarceration turned out to be more like a trip to Summer camp.  He was given an air-conditioned art studio where he was able to paint at his leisure.  He was allowed furloughs to visit his mother ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  How sweet! ...

"BLUE" JIMMY:  ... And he was taken to lunch at a nearby country club by Judge Politz on a regular basis.  Gauthe was released 11 years early on his 20-year sentence and 3 months later, he was arrested in Polk County, Texas for molesting a 3-year old boy.  For that offense he was given 7 years probation.  In 2008 he was arrested again in Galveston County, Texas for failing to register as a sex offender.  He served two years in prison and was released in 2010.  As of  2017 Mouton, the lawyer who risked all to defend Gauthe, spiraled into an alcoholic haze and lost his legal practice and his family in the process.  He now lives in France as a writer of novels and other subjects which are far removed from the legal grind which ruined his life presumably, as a form of therapy.  As far as my research turned up, Gauthe was last known to be living in La Marque, Texas (2017) retired from the priesthood and a free man.  This is a common theme in Catholic Church sexual abuse cases.  Victims have their lives destroyed and they turn to drug and alcohol abuse or worse, suicide and the cleric who committed the crimes retires to a life of comfort on The Church's payroll, drinking afternoon tea, fussing over pet cats and tending to peaceful gardens.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  F**k that s**t!!!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  This whole sordid episode in American Catholic Church history is told in great detail in the book, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation:  Catholic Priests And The Sexual Abuse Of Children" (1992) by investigative journalist Jason Berry. 
This was the first book of any significance to be published on this sensitive issue.  But what exactly is sexual abuse by a Catholic priest?  Is it a playful pat on the rump after a soccer match?  Showing an R-rated film to a bunch of preteens on a retreat or a peek at a girlie mag in the rectory after mass?  Prime time news and mainstream newspapers rarely go into detail.  Lets look at a few examples:

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Here we go!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Father Paul Shanley, ordained in 1960 at Saint John's Seminary in Boston is a prime example of a predator priest in the guise of a social hero.  Showing an interest in working with adolescents the Boston Archdiocese in 1970, assigned him to a "ministry" on the streets of Boston where he was presumably, supposed to work with disaffected young people.  Being young and good-looking and having long hippie-like hair and a casual appearance, it was easy for him to appeal to rebellious teens, runaways and (according to The Church) the sexually confused (gays and lesbians). 
As a result, Shanley spent his days getting high, cruising around the Harvard Square area of Boston, hitting the coffee shops and diners and luring teenage boys to his apartment to have full-on sexual intercourse with him, often claiming that he was a sex therapist or "specialist" who was helping kids to find their sexual identity.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  There are other names for people like that.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  In the late 70's, Shanley started giving speeches to like-minded men who approved of sexual relations between men and boys.  Some of the men who attended these speeches eventually went on to form NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) whose stated goal is to lower the age of sexual consent for boys to allow them to have sex with men.  They are also known to arrange field trips to toy stores, amusement parks and other places frequented by boys.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  The Church didn't interfere.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  In 1979 when some of Shanley's activities made the news, The Church transferred him to Saint John The Evangelist Parish In Newton, Massachusetts where reports came in that he was again molesting boys.  Despite this, he was allowed to become a part-time chaplain at Mc Lean Hospital in Boston where it appears he solicited sex from young patients, some of whom were mentally ill.  After the Boston Archdiocese received more complaints about Shanley in the late 80's, Cardinal Bernard Law (who is a key figure in the Boston Archdiocese case and in the films "Spotlight" and "Our Fathers") transferred him to California where it was thought he would stay out of trouble.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  If you want someone to stay out of trouble, don't bring them to Cali!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  In Palm Springs California, Shanley got together with another Boston priest named John J. White and somehow raised the funds to buy a motel which they called The Cabana Club which catered to an exclusively gay clientele.  Men were encouraged to get naked by the pool and sex out in the open was permitted.  According to victim accounts, Shanley also would frequently bring underage boys to this motel for the pleasure of his guests who were known to come all the way from foreign countries to seek boys for sex.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  Inherently, there may be nothing wrong with a motel that caters to gay clients and encourages free nudity and sex but it may pose problems for a priest who was recently accused of sex crimes toward minors who belongs to an institution that has officially condemned homosexuality as a sin for centuries. 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Yeah, that doesn't bode well. 

"BLUE" JIMMY:  When the situation got too hot in Palm Springs, Cardinal Law had Shanley transferred yet again, this time to New York City where he became director of a place called Leo House which was a guest house run by The Catholic Church which sometimes had teenagers and young children as guests.  Shanley finally lost his assignment there when one of his victims threatened legal action against him due to his sexual offenses.  In 1996, Shanley retired from the priesthood with a pension and benefits from The Church.  He and his male partner moved to San Diego, California where he joined the San Diego Police Department's senior patrol which among other things, provided crossing guards for schoolkids.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  And The Church didn't intervene.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Father Shanley finally got busted in 2002 when The Boston Globe was running ongoing stories about the Archdiocese Of Boston sexual abuse scandal.  After all his years of sexually assaulting minors, he was charged with the sexual abuse of a single minor and in 2005 he was convicted and sentenced to 12 to 15 years.  The conviction was appealed due to the fact that the victim's memories of the assaults were "recovered" during therapy sessions, a practice that some opponents have criticized as "junk science"and has been challenged in court in previous cases.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Some people have "recovered" memories of being abducted by aliens during therapy.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Shanley's conviction was upheld by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in 2010 and served 12 years in prison before being released in 2017 with 10 years probation.  This is just one (1!) example of a predator priest who was allowed to  run amok by The Church for decades, having sexual intercourse (penetration) with countless minors and in the end, only ended up serving time for sexual contact with one minor.  (source: "Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse In The Catholic Church" by William H. Kennedy 2004 ).


"BLUE" JIMMY:  Exactly what goes on in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that allows this kind of abuse to go on for so many years?  Critics of the Catholic Church, some of them staunch Catholics, have put forward the idea that The Church may somehow hold onto vestiges of  Frankism, a movement put forward by Jacob Frank (1726-1791), who was a self-proclaimed messiah and advocate of some very "novel" ideas about sin and salvation.  Jacob Frank and later his daughter Eva who carried on the movement after his death, taught that in order to truly know salvation one had to truly know sin.  This philosophy was not unique.  The Carpocratians (followers of Carpocrates) in the second century A.D., also believed that one must um, seize the day, before leaving this world in order to avoid repeated incarnation into this mortal coil.  

BLIND DOG OZZY: So they did some nasty s**t ... morally, sexually and otherwise!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Frank's philosophy was apparently very popular with Jews, Christians, nobility, intelligentsia and other free thinkers in the Europe of their time who wanted to ahem, carpe diem on a regular basis.  Heretical teachings and sexual rituals which were traditionally part of both Eastern and Western occult teaching, boiled in the witch's brew that formed Frankism.  Evidently, religious folks of a higher social strata believed that in matters of morality, the rules don't always apply.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Honey, ain't it the truth!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Since many modern seminaries and convents have origins and historical ties which are centuries old, some have suggested that the current problem of sexual licentiousness within the clergy may have have deeper roots than just a few disturbed priests in the last few decades or centuries.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  Before Jacob Frank in the 1700's, there were other groups who appeared on the scene such as the Brethren Of The Free Spirit which was identified by The Church as a heretical group from roughly, the 1200's to the 1400's.  Like many heretical groups, they were anti-clerical, anti-Vatican and anti-Biblical God which basically boiled down to the fact that they believed there be no need for priests, nuns, confession, holy sacraments or any Church intercession between the believer and God.  

BLIND DOG OZZY:  In fact, there weren't no need for God at all!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Followers of The Bretheren Of The Free Spirit held to the much repeated gnostic doctrine that all souls are potentially divine and that the perfected soul could be "God."  As blasphemous as this must have sounded to The Church, The Brethren were apparently able to spread their beliefs throughout Europe during the years of the Black Plague ( mid 1300's).  The influence of The Church was weakened due to dead clergy and churches and cathedrals were abandoned, surrounded by streets full of corpses.  This allowed religious groups with some very exotic beliefs to implant themselves in these churches and run hog wild.



"BLUE" JIMMY:  Many churches and even large cathedrals at this time, began to display artwork with scenes of sexual debauchery and apparent Devil worship which to this day, are preserved for their historical value but have been moved to less conspicuous places. 
Unfortunately for The Catholic Church, these beliefs proved to be very popular with poor, downtrodden people with nothing to lose.  Apparently, with death and destruction all around them,  they learned to turn their back on the Biblical God and were ripe for something or someone more promising to their everyday needs and not the "pie in the sky" promises of The Church.  In this period in history, homemade messiahs formed a cottage industry to prey on destitute, simple folk.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  If you think this is something from a bygone era, think again!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Think of  modern cult leaders such as L. Ron Hubbard, Sun Myung Moon, Jim Jones, Tony Alamo, David Koresh, Warren Jeffs and others.  They all at one time, claimed to be messiahs, prophets or holy men.  They demanded total obedience from their followers, isolated their church members from their former friends and families and as a rule, would ask their members to turn over cash, valuables, land and inevitably, their bodies to the cult.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Some nasty s**t going on!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Let's fast forward into the Modern Era.  Some folks say that perverse, heretical beliefs have survived to the present day in the Catholic Church. Many believe this is due to the the decisions made at The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) which ran from roughly, 1962 to 1965.  As a child, I remember the Catholic Mass being recited in Latin and I once asked my mom why I couldn't understand it.  She told me it was "God's language" and that I should just sit still. 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Sit down, shut up!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  A few years after Vatican II, I remember going to church and the mass was now being said in plain English, the priest faced the congregation instead of the altar during mass, modern music was played at services and catechism classes (the Catholic equivalent of Sunday School) took on a groovy new feel to reach young people.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  The "Now" Generation!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Other changes included revisions to certain church prayers, a shortening of the liturgical calendar so that not every saint in the book had their own feast day and a willingness by The Church to have open dialogues with other religions in matters of faith.  None was more opposed to these changes than a certain Father Malachi Martin (1921-1999)
Serving as secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea when Vatican II was being prepared, he had intimate knowledge of the entire proceedings ... and he liked none of it.  In many interviews, he expressed his pissedoffedness ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls ...

"BLUE" JIMMY ... with The Catholic Church and wrote many novels which were thinly-disguised critiques of The Church.  Chief among these was "Windswept House: A Vatican Novel" (1998)  which describes a Satanic ritual being performed within The Vatican, the Enthronement Of Lucifer, the resignation of the current pope and a New World Order being installed through The Vatican.


"BLUE" JIMMY: I became interested in Father Martin many years ago when he was a frequent guest on many conspiracy theory/paranormal talk shows.  My ears perked up because I thought we might have a genuine, Vatican insider, whistleblower who was willing to spill it all.  But listening to Father Martin in his own words,  he struck me as a bitter, old curmudgeon who felt that anyone who had faith in The Catholic Church after  the liberal concessions made during Vatican II was in a state of apostasy. 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Apostasy:  an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith (Merriam Webster's Dictionary since 1828).

"BLUE" JIMMY:  And he shook his big, Irish fist at anyone who didn't follow the traditional ways of The Church before Vatican II and who didn't heed the warnings revealed in the Third Secret Of Fatima.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  The Three Secrets Of Fatima, which were supposedly revealed by The Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Portugal in 1917, are prophesies which urge penance, foretell war and annihilation and the persecution of Christians. 
The Third Secret, like a plot from a Dan Brown novel, was written down and sealed in 1944 and not revealed by The Vatican until May of the year 2000.  When it was finally read, it had all the impact of a weak fart and the future Pope Benedict XVI ( Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) wrote that, " great mystery is revealed, nor is the future unveiled."

BLIND DOG OZZY:  That was a long walk to the store to find out it was closed.

"BLUE"  JIMMY:  The point is that Father Martin, as well as multitudes of hard-line Catholics, believe that some sort of not only heretical but "Satanic" elements invaded The Catholic Church at some point in history. 
Father Martin died after suffering a fall in his New York apartment in 1999.  Some of his followers allege that he was pushed by a "demonic force."  Others say that he was "did" by The Catholic Church to silence his many writings which presented The Church in a way most unflattering.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Let's wait for the film adaption to find out which!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Several years later enter Michael Calace, a filmmaker and devout Catholic who was attempting to make a Catholic, family-oriented film for his production company Silver Sword International.  Their stated mission was to "merge media with morality" and at some point in production, he wanted to use a Catholic church in Toronto, Canada for some scenes in his movie.  His request was denied by a spokesperson for the Archdiocese Of Toronto and being snubbed by such a high authority, he decided to conduct an "investigation" into the archdiocese itself.  Besides being a filmmaker, actor and inventor, Calace claims to be an "expert" in embeds in art.  An embed, which is a term taken from math and science, is supposedly an object secretly inserted into a work of art, advertisement, etc., which will affect the viewer on a subliminal level.  It is not a recognized science and its practice by anyone claiming to be an expert is sketchy at best.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Pseudoscience!  

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Calace looked on the website homepage of the Archdiocese Of Toronto and found a painting which apparently depicts Jesus Christ greeting a crowd of worshippers. 
Using his "expertise"  he supposedly found embeds hidden in the painting showing demonic faces, Satanic symbols, penises, sperm, masturbation, and images of "occult and sexual horror" in his own words.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  Since then, Calace has gone on to find multitudes of embeds in Catholic Church art which he claims, date back centuries.  This provoked him to produce the documentary "Rape Of The Soul" (2006) which to me, seems like the "Citizen Kane" of low-budget, self-produced, far-fetched, conspiracy documentaries.  During his "expert investigation" of Catholic art, he uncovered countless embeds of male and female genitalia, ejaculations, alien bugs (his words) and Satanic symbols which indicate that Calace has not only a tendency towards the fantastic but also a classic Freudian dirty mind.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  What Calace is likely experiencing  is a psychological phenomenon known as apophenia which is a tendency to find patterns in random data and also a sub-phenomenon of apophenia known as pareidolia where a viewer will find images familiar to themselves in random objects such as clouds, wood grain, burnt toast ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ... or paintings!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  See the documentary for yourself and you will see a conspiracy theorist ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ... reaching!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Any further research I have done on the topic of sexual abuse within The Catholic Church turns up the subject of ancient pagan religions and sacrifices, The Templars, The Jesuits, The Illuminati, The Freemasons, Satanic/Luciferian cults, CIA mind control experiments and the like.  Read "The Biggest Secret" (1999)
  or anything written in the last 25 years by former BBC Journalist and conspiracy theorist David Icke or the ongoing, unpublished book "Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & The Deep State" by former U.S. Army officer and clinical psychologist, Joachim Hagopian.  What they say in these works seems paranoid and fanatical but if even a shred of it is true, it warrants a read and consideration.  It's a bitch trying to sort through all of this and write a presentable article that doesn't get one branded as a fringe kook.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Like we had any credibility to begin with!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  My conclusion after years of research is that when you have a convergence of unlimited wealth, power, political influence. emotional and spiritual control, as is present in The Catholic Church, there is potential for abuse.  Sexual abuse within The Church may seem on the surface, just a few disturbed and horny individuals looking for kicks.  But this sort of abuse has been proven by those who have worked with victims to be insidious on many levels.  This abuse can be used to comfort, frighten, extort, blackmail and manipulate.  Some may say, why go after The Catholic Church?  There are other churches/religious denominations, schools, day care centers, medical facilities, law enforcement agencies and the like which have been busted for widespread sexual abuse.  But The Catholic Church has a certain pattern of sexual abuse which has become institutionalized to the point where they have their own treatment centers, PR people,  legal teams, "fixers" and unique protocol in place for covering up and minimizing punishment for accused and convicted clergy.


"BLUE" JIMMY:  As an Investigative Journalist, one must avoid the temptation to delve into the realms of the fanciful which may bring you readers but may destroy your credibility in the end.  I feel confident enough to say that centuries of unrepentant sexual abuse within The Catholic Church has moved this subject from conspiracy theory to actual conspiracy.  This story is not over ... God help us all!

BLIND DOG OZZY:  "God hath given you one face and you make yourselves another." - (William Shakespeare)

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Sake's Alive!


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